
“grease” is on. 

but i wanted to say we had a great weekend. 

there was jean shopping and fun at a bar involved. 

what more can i say? ok… lots more.  the jeans are nothing special.  i have just been looking for some for a really long time and i finally found some that fit well.  amante took me to the outlet mall in holland, mi, and i struck out at first, but after a really sad ride home, i remembered fashion bug.  i have not ever really liked their clothes, but they actually fit when i tried them on. i kind of also, wrongly i now admit, thought they were mostly plus size, and while i have a little junk in the trunk, i don’t fall into that category.  it’s nice to have some jeans and cords that aren’t too tight!  the jeans are all studded and faded… and i love the back pockets.  the cords are pretty simple… but i love the belt…  and they will look great with tiny tees!

so, after we dropped miss bella off at her grandparents for the nite, we had dinner then headed over to guisseppe’s to pick him up for the gig at louie’s that bradley’s band “white rabbit” was playing.  the bar was awesome.  tiny.  one main bar in the middle-kind of an elongated “o” shaped thing, and a small table right by the door with a long bench.  it was all drinks, no food, and a pretty rough crowd.  no, that’s not fair. the crowd wasn’t rough so much as haggard.  lots of blue collar, leather jacket, mullet wearing, toothless, northeast side folks.  (if you read from mi, you will know what i mean)  most people had 6-8 drinks and staggered when they danced, but weren’t at all unfriendy.  it was an older crowd, and that helped keep things calm, i think… they were there to drink, not parade their bravado…  not that older drinkers don’t pick fights… but you know what i mean.

nic (who is bradley’s wife), benji, christill, and a of couple people i didn’t know were already there, so we joined them.  we just kind of drank and hung out until the first set started and then the music kept us busy!  my amarretto sour was awesome!  (for those who are wondering, that is a drink with amarretto and sour.  just ask my sister blyss!) my amante didn’t drink anything heavier than pepsi, and i only had one sour, but we weren’t there to drink, we were there for the music, which was awesome!!!

white rabbit is a 50’s and 60’s cover band, and they are good.  some of you might know who pete dunning is… he used to play for papa vegas here in grand rapids… but he is their lead vocal and guitar, and then bradley plays drums, aaron second lead guitar, and bob the aussie on base.  i don’t remember their play list.  amante might be able to tell at least some of the songs, but what i remember most is laughing, singing, dancing, screaming over the music, watching the crowd… all the best things that go along with being out on a saturday nite with great people. 

we didn’t get home until after 3am.   they play the black rose in two weeks.  guess who’s going if they can get a sitter? 

p.s. some interesting things on my mind after attending church yesterday… maybe a post about that tomorrow.

~ by Erin on 14 January, 2007.

7 Responses to “sweet.weekend”

  1. Congrats on the jeans!! How was your amaretto sour with amaretto and sour in it? Marvelous I am sure. I miss you loads. Talk soon.

  2. marvelous it was! the best though, was when bradley played the whole drum solo from “moby dick”… oh, and when i met christill… and when benji took my picture with christill’s camera… and… ok. a post on this is absolutely necessary. here goes!

  3. Cute. “amante” – I like it. Italien, right? 😉

    At least I’m not the only one w/ silly nicknames! lol

  4. more private that way! but i got the idea from you… yes… it is italian. just like he is!

  5. Awww…I’m your muse! 😀 lol

  6. 🙂 You two are great.

    About the preacher, I admit, from the impression I have from this post, I might relate with him pretty well. Lemme explain a bit.

    I remember talking to this one guy about- something apologetics, and all I really remember from the talk was realizing he had no regard for issues my heart cried out against. I think it was counter-evolution apologetics we were talking about, but I remember realising that his irregard was quite natural because he hadn’t really experienced the need for it. never really engaged anyone who struggled with that particular issue.

    I am particulary weak on muslim apologetics because until recently, I haven’t been as intimately exposed to it’s need, but I have many people I love who are Jewish and reject their own Messiah because they’re told He is incompatible with Judaism. That got me riled up, and involved intelligently. So did the socio-political, agenda-motivated lying to kids in textbooks with outdated science and historiological bias. Another thing that riles me up from experience is a passive living out of the faith, it’s almost something of a sacriledge. and maybe a… social-neglect too. but I digress. 🙂

    I ono. my point is maybe this is a difference of exposure, intimate exposure to different needs/wrongs. Perhaps I’m way offbase here. Eitherway, I hope the comment was worth the long read. (sorry.)

  7. i don’t think it is that so much… tho i hear your basic premise. i think it is more the people in the congregations steadfast unwillingness to move outside their comfort zones. he is feeling a burden for their hardheadedness, and some of us are getting lost in the shuffle.

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